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Successfully completed UAE’s Largest Automated Packhouse for SILAL, Abu Dhabi
Completed a successful project with SILAL Abu Dhabi leading food, agriculture, and technology company, launch UAE’s largest automated packhouse in Al Ain. New facility will deliver up to 216 tonnes of fresh produce daily. Labsol has succeeded in creating optimal solutions that work together with the researchers’ work processes. At the same time, a unique design has been created that aesthetically enhances everyday work life. SILAL wanted their new Facility to capture some unique features, customizing the furniture to fit user needs, different types of laboratories and laboratory classifications needed for the project. Our task was to establish efficient laboratory. They needed everything in just 8 weeks. This required dedicated teams from design and production to make sure certain items with long lead times wouldn’t delay the project. We furnished an area spanning 11,000 square metres includes Soil & Water Analysis lab’s, Plant Variety Innovation, Seed Bank, PCR, Gel Post PCR, Cold Rooms, Chemical Storage Room etc. The Laboratory space include more than 800 cabinets and Fume hoods with scrubber, Bio Safety Cabinet, Laminar flow cabinet, Fume Extractions Solutions & Glassware washer.